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Neo – Video game

What is it ?

It’s a first-person 3D video game. I started developing it in early September 2020. This is a project that I did for three reasons:

- To keep in practice

- Learning new things

- Because I like it !

What did I learn again from my dissertation ?

  • Creation of a functional save system
  • Creation of an artificial intelligence system
  • Optimization (Neo is 2 times lighter than Multiverse Project)
  • Improving my programming skills C#
  • Enhanced subtitle system
  • Develop a game faster (knowledge gained on the development of my previous game)
  • Camera effects (motion blur, depth of field, thumbnail, light blur, anti-aliasing and ambient occlusion)

Scenario Summary :

You play as Neo, an antivirus program freshly installed on a computer. Your only goal is to destroy the virus that infected the machine. Walk around, browse games and programs, wipe out corrupted files and release the computer from the virus that poisons it.

Want to test it? It is available for download below (357mb compressed): 

You can see the full gameplay below :

Some comments from french testers