Quentin Delvaux – Level designer


2022: End of training internship at Vigo Universal



10 week intership during which I took care of the level design on the game ThorVR

2021: Game developer training at Technifutur

More information here



This training allowed me to deepen my knowledge in the field of video game development, to work in a group on a project, to exploit in practice what I have learned and especially: to be able to touch closely the profession that I am passionate about.

2015- 2020: Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège


Diploma of bachelor's degree in multimedia writing with distinction


These studies allowed me to work on some of the Adobe Creative Cloud software, to start programming and to discover my passion: creating a video game from the beginning to the end. It is while creating a video game that I made my dissertation called «Multiverse Project». It is a third person video game that had a final score of 85/100.

More information on my dissertation here


2014 – 2016: Student in tourism in Sainte-Marie Institute of Huy

Graduated with distinction

This formation allowed me to develop my knowledge in English and also to teach me two new languages: Dutch and Spanish. I also did an intership in a travel agency called «Bulles Voyages».

2009 - 2014: Student in the Royal Athenaeum of Huy



2022: Training-integration plan at Vigo Universal

2022: End of training internship at Vigo Universal

Level design of the game Smurfs VR Adventure, ThorVR, Metro Zombie and a serious game about vertigo.

10 week intership during which I took care of the level design on the game ThorVR

2020 (10 weeks): 3D internship at the museum of archeology and religious art of Amay


2019 (7 weeks): Programming internship at the museum of archeology and religious art of Amay

Making of a 3D animation representing the evolution of the collegiate church of Amay throughout centuries.

Making of a website for the museum of archeology and religious art. http://amayarcheomusee.be/

2012 -2015: Student job

Student job in a grocery store: store shelf managing, store checkout.

My work (a few of my projects) :

Ford Pickup of 1956 (2018)

Fifties diner (2019)

Spaceship (2019)

3D animation (3D exam, 2019)

3D animation for a museum (2020)

Multiverse Project (dissertation, 2020)

Neo (video game, 2021)

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air (2021)

Magnet (End of training project, 2021)

Post apocalyptic scenery (2021)

VR App about vertigo (2022)

Spacewalk Euro Space Center (2023)

The Smurfs VR Adventure (under development)

Thor’s Wrath: The Hammer Unleashed (under development)

My resume is available here